Mangroves are important marine and coastal ecosystems, providing countless essential services for both humanity and nature. Serving as refuges for the regeneration of numerous marine species, mangroves provide food and income for many local populations. However, they face threats from human activities, diminishing their capacity to provide these services. Protecting and restoring them is thus crucial for a sustainable future.

Substantial efforts in mangrove restoration
This year, Fanamby has dedicated significant efforts to preserve and restore these vital ecosystems. In the marine part of the Protected Area of Loky Manambato, North-East of Madagascar, the Fanamby team, along with park rangers and the local community, managed to restore nearly 450,000 propagules. Spanning over 90 hectares, reforestation achieved an impressive survival rate of 90%.
To ensure the survival of these young plants, periodic monitoring is conducted in the restoration areas, with active participation from the local population and rangers. These assessments help evaluate and measure the growth of the mangrove trees, and therefore facilitate their maintenance and development. Non-viable and damaged propagules are replaced with new plants, a process known as replanting.
It is also crucial to protect mature mangroves from illegal exploitation. This is why several women's associations have been established to oversee community management of mangrove forests. Today, more than five associations are at the forefront of this initiative, working tirelessly to raise awareness, ensure compliance with mangrove management rules, and report any illegal activities. Additionally, Fanamby actively supports and empowers these women, fostering their independence and autonomy in their efforts.

Healthy ecosystems for Community well-being
These combined efforts have had a significant positive impact on marine biodiversity. Mature mangroves, serving as ideal habitats for the reproduction of marine and coastal species, are coming back to life. Propagules demonstrate promising growth. Coupled with the creation of the « Tahirin-daoko » (locally managed fishing stock areas) with the fishermen's associations, the preservation of these mangroves has led to an increase in crab, fish, and other marine species populations that find refuge there.
This abundance of marine resources provides better economic prospects and opportunities for local communities to lead decent lives. The fish harvest during the fishing season in the SAVA region was so abundant that a significant portion was allocated for smoking. This is just one example demonstrating that the health of ecosystems indeed ensures human well-being.

The International Mangrove Day serves as a reminder of how essential these ecosystems are for the planet. Beyond their crucial role in preserving marine and coastal biodiversity, they also constitute a vital source of livelihood and food security for local communities. For Fanamby, persevering in these efforts remains one of the essential pillars to fulfill its mission.