The ECOVOLUNTEERS of Ampisikina: great actors for the Protected Area of Loky Manambato
Within the Loky Manambato Protected Area, it is imperative that communities participate in the management of the site. Threats, which did not exist there before, have been increasing lately. This empowerment was done through the creation of an association of "ECO VOLUNTEERS".
Known for its immense area of 250,000Ha and the natural diversity it shelters, Loky Manambato is a site whose management requires the empowerment of everyone. Several types of pressures are affecting the site, both in the marine and terrestrial parts. Trafficking in lemurs, illegal gold mining, and illegal fishing have threatened the area in recent months. Certainly, stakeholders have already put in place several initiatives to better manage this natural wealth but situations are sometimes difficult to control.
The reflections and surveys among the villagers of Ampisikina have led to a sustainable and promising initiative. On the other hand, previous sensitizations have clearly paid off. The change in the behavior of the villagers is considerably felt within the local communities, who have become "protectors" of their area. From this came the ECO VOLUNTEERS, young volunteers to intensify the control of the Marine part.
The importance of the marine wealth of Loky Manambato is the main motivation of these young people. The site alone is home to a great diversity of flora and fauna, whose rate of endemicity reaches the 84%. The Propithecus tattersalli or the Sifaka, one of the most endangered primates of the planet, is among the protected species of the reserve. There are also 127 species of birds, 75 species of reptiles, 36 species of amphibians and 2 species of marine turtles. Loky is also a place of stopover for the thousands of terns which offer each year a breathtaking spectacle for the animal world. In addition, the coastal area represents a huge economic opportunity for the local population. Fishing, the main source of income for the local population, has been very productive this year thanks to the management alternatives. About 60 tons of octopus were the first results of these efforts at the opening of the campaign last March. In terms of tourism and the environment, the restoration of mangroves has been one of the main missions of the actors. The Ankao Archipelago, which is in the top 5 most beautiful destinations in the world, borders the EAST part of this protected area.
Unique in its kind, Loky Manambato represents a wealth for the local population as well as for the country.

The eco-volunteers are volunteers native to the area. Their tasks will be to support the management of pressures within this marine part of the Protected Area. They will actively participate in periodic patrols and will organize themselves in the sharing of information concerning any infraction related to the protected area (trafficking, informal exploitation,…). These young people will also benefit from training on environmental protection and sustainable management of natural marine resources.
The three key actions of their mission are
Raising awareness of the population on the negative consequences of illegal fishing and the extension of rice fields on the availability of resources
L’implication des autorités locales dans les activités de sensibilisation
The application of the provisions in the DINA (Social Convention)
In summary, the ECO VOLUNTEERS are rigorous actors, supporting Fanamby in its role as delegated manager. More particularly in the marine part of the Protected Area Loky Manambato. Today, there are 30 of them in Ampisikina and Amborokarato. This good practice will be duplicated in the other neighboring communes.