Beyond emblematic species such as marine mammals, the issues related to marine and coastal biodiversity are often overlooked. These issues are, however, really important, especially when it comes to the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources. Fanamby has been present in the Loky Manambato protected area since 1997. The Protected Area, covering an area of 250,000 ha, is delimited in the North and North West: by the Loky river in the South and South-West: by the Manambato river and to the East: by the Indian Ocean, including the Ankao archipelago.

Aware of the important relationship between the conservation of marine biodiversity and the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources, Fanamby has set up a center for information and training on fishing in Ambavarano. A center to support and support the local community and fishermen’s associations in terms of capacity building and infrastructure. A real opportunity for small fishermen who are currently structured within a dozen associations, working together to conserve the marine biodiversity of Loky Manambato through sustainable and responsible fishing activities.