Dear partners,
As the entire planet continues its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Fanamby wishes to express its solidarity with all the people directly affected by the virus worldwide. Our thoughts go out to all vulnerable communities, especially that of Madagascar, many of which have only limited access to adequate health care. The current situation is all the more worrying according to the number of cases confirmed in recent days.
The team also continues to carry out conservation activities in these difficult times. Fanamby makes it a point of honor to ensure the safety and health of its team and of local communities, main players in biodiversity conservation. We continue to multiply our commitments both in the protection of nature and in improving the living conditions of the population. We have taken the necessary measures to protect them. About 5,000 reusable masks have been distributed in the 5 Protected Areas we manage. And we are trying to limit contact and interaction with the local community in order to prevent the spread of the virus among vulnerable populations.

The Fanamby team would like to reassure you that conservation activities are in full swing despite this delicate situation. In Loky Manambato, STAFF and the local community took up the challenge of planting more than 30,000 propagules in the space of 6 days. The mixed brigade of Andrafiamena Andavakoera's Protected Area continues the patrols on the ground in an attempt to apprehend the offenders. Menabe Antimena Protected Area firefighters agents continue their training and still conduct awareness campaigns at the local level. The control authorities of the Anjozorobe Angavo Protected Area are also increasing their efforts in the fight against illegal cutting and the practice of charcoal in hard cores.

Fanamby continues to make every effort to carry out its conservation activities while preserving his team and the local community from the pandemic. We are redoubling our efforts in the search for an innovative solution with the aim of protecting nature and the people of Madagascar. We would like to reiterate our sincere thanks for your unwavering support. It is together that we will succeed in restoring the biodiversity of the big island, for the benefit of the local population.