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Restore & Support

Restore & Support


Madagascar has lost 90% of the forest coverage t in the past years. And over 80% of the local population depends on the land to live. With the slash and burn cultural practices, more and more lands are degraded for farming.

Thus, it is our responsibility to restore actively the remaining forests, mangroves and coral reefs. In fact, our challenge is to have 120 000 indigenous seedlings ready to be planted for each of our site.


In Madagascar, the issue is not so much about biodiversity loss. It is the inability of the local communities to even face their day-to-day needs. Thus, they tap into the remaining forets and mangroves to find ressources.

Fanamby supports the development of supply chains within harmonious landscapes. In fact, biodiversity conservation depends on healthy landscapes and seascapes. Thus, Fanamby is partnering with a social enterprises, owned by 7 000 farmers, called SAHANALA to support local economic development. This is done through 3 steps:

  1. The first step is to identify existing alternative source of income in the territory. Local farmers are already strong entrepreneurs at their level. Therefore, they need capacity building in order to increase their access to better markets.
  2. Most of the farmers and fishermen are not recognized at the national level. In fact, Fanamby structure them within an association so they can have a voice in a competitive market.
  3. Sahanala support each association to improve their productivity without expanding lands occupation and ensure that their members benefit from a sustainable and reliable market.

This approach is part of the sustainable financial mechanism models of Fanamby. The current programs includes:

  1. Shared ressources, Joint solutions: an initiative of IUCN NL, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and WWF NL to strengthen the capacity of local non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and other civil society organisations in 16 low and middle-income countries, including Madagascar, in order to enhance climate resilience, water supply and food security. It is based in 2 regions as pilot sites, Diana and Boeny.
  2. Livelihoods Funds for Family Farming: a 10 years program promoting local communities resiliences in the Analanjirofo region
  3. Sahanala: a social enterprise owned by 7500 local producers that was created by Fanamby in 2010. The company has now scale up to the international level but kept its commitment toward biodiversity conservation in Madagascar through socio-environmental activities within our protected areas