The Protected Area of Loky Manambato has a unique concentration of biodiversity representative of the SAVA Region. With a total area of 250,000 ha, the PA is classified in category V as a Harmonious and Protected landscape according to the IUCN classification. Fanamby gathered farmers and fishermen living inside the Protected Area into associations. Thanks to this initiative, the organization set up in 2010 a social enterprise called ‘Sahanala’ which today includes more than 1,400 farmers and fishermen, mainly from Protected Areas under the management of Fanamby.
Loky Manambato - Responsible fisheries activities for marine biodiversity conservation
Many marine species are threatened with extinction due to human practices, including overfishing. Fanamby and Sahanala are working to take measures and limit pressures on the marine biodiversity, preserve fishery resources and, improve the income of local communities at the same time. Since fishing is the main activity of the population living along the marine area of the Loky Manambato, the two allies have decided to invest in sustainable and responsible fishing activities. With an area of approximately 15,000 ha including an archipelago of 8 islets, the marine protected area presents an ecosystem to be preserved. After setting up the fishing information and training center in the village of Ambavarano in 2017, Fanamby and Sahanala are currently working with more than 500 fishermen in 7 associations for sustainable investment in the octopus sector. Fishermen's statutes will be formalized to allow more effective monitoring of their activities. Only people with a formal fishing card will be allowed to fish in the area affected by the project. Strict monitoring and evaluation process will also be applied to ensure that fishing seasons are respected and to avoid over-exploitation of fishery resources.

Signature of an alliance between Sahanala and the GRM for sustainable and responsible fishing
An alliance between Sahanala and the Réfrigépêche Madagascar or GRM Group was signed on January 29, 2020 at the Novotel Alarobia. The 500 fishermen in the Loky Manambato Protected Area are all affected by this agreement. They will benefit from capacity building to improve their income and the outlets for their products will be insured. Today, Madagascar only satisfy 0.5% of the world octopus market. The products will therefore be intended for export to make a significant contribution to the development of the sector.

Sahanala plans to set up a factory in Andranavabe Vohémar by 2021. The GRM will provide expertise to ensure that the operation meets international quality standards. One of the main objectives of this project is to obtain the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) certification as it is a way of assuring consumers that the octopus were produced responsibly, respecting fishing seasons, while preserving marine ecosystems. Sahanala makes it a point of honor to ensure product traceability throughout the production chain. An approach that will promote the activity of fishermen and will bring more values for the products placed on the market.