The Menabe Antimena protected area is one of the largest blocks of dry forest in Madagascar. The forest lost is going at a high rate since internal migration in 2014. In fact, the forest coverage loss is estimated at 7% of its total area only in 2017. Furthermore, the current rate of deforestation is threatening both the habitat criticaly endagered lemurs, such as the Microcèbe de Berthe, and human habitats due to the increasing drought.

Fanamby included the local communities in designing and implementing the management plan of the protected area. This year, it supported the establishment of a fire management strategy which include firebreaks and forest monitoring. Furthermore, it aims to reduce the fire pressure on the dry forest. In fact, the change in Menabe Antimena starts with local commitment to ensure the survival of the habitat. For many years, Fanamby has been managing the protected area alongside the KMFFA or Komity Manokana Miaro ny Faritra Arovana. A committee which includes people from the local community, volunteered to conserve the biodiversity. The KMMFA conduct patrols 3 times a week to limit the pressure. Recently, more than 2 000 people from 10 villages of the protected area joined these agents to fight fire. All measures are taken to slow down the impact of the drought in Menabe Antimena and preserving the natural habitat of the Microcebus berthae that is critically endangered.

The project have positive results as a large decrease of the fire points has been observed in 2019. Although repressive actions are undertaken to limit illegal activities in the core forests, Fanamby is reaching out to the International Office of Migration to collaborate in finding long term solutions regarding internal migration.
We strongly believe that biodiversity conservation is only effective if the local population is involved in each process: from decision-making to the implementation of activities.