Every year, a group of 250 accredited journalists including writers, photographers, videographers, bloggers and broadcasters are celebrating sustainability and ecotourism since 1960. They are hosting a celebration of new tourism destinations from around the world that have opened within the last two years and made a significant positive impact on the local community or environment. Earlier this month, Bradt guide wrote about their visit Black Lemur Camp. And later this month, we learned that we were up for an award during a showcase known as the International Tourism Awards (ITAs). This jewel is located at the heart of the Harmonious Landscape protected area of Andrafiamena Andavakoera.
Since 2007, Fanamby has been working on finding financial support to start the infrastructures. As always, we believe in local communities empowerment in order to sustainably manage natural ressources. In fact, the nomination of Black Lemur Camp is huge honor for the local communities but also a great recognition of the hardwork of the regional team behind. Eco-tourism seems to be one of the most effective way to positively impact the standard of living of these communities and their environment. By setting up Sahanala SA in 2010 to manage ecolodges in these new protected areas, Fanamby :
- provides significant visibility to new protected areas where these ecolodges are located,
- raises awareness toward endangered species within the category V protected areas,
- offers alternative source of income that can improve the living conditions for local communities through the creation of direct and indirect jobs,
- directly involves local communities in reducing the pressure on the forest coverage as they are jealously protecting their own wealth

Four ecolodges spread over the Malagasy territory are currently under the management of Sahanala:
- Saha Forest Camp : Anjozorobe, 3 hours from Antananarivo
- Black Lemur Camp : in the Andrafiamena Andavakoera protected area, in the DIANA region
- Camp Amoureux : in the Menabe region, 1.30 hours from Morondava
- Camp Tattersalli : in the commune of Daraina, in the SAVA region
You can read more about our partnership with the social enterprise: Sahanala (Malagasy word for "field in the forest").