More than 200 experts, specialists, senior government officials, community and youth representatives from 24 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa have issued a call to action for a future for Africa's people, nature and future generations , at the ESARO Regional Conservation Forum held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 23 to 25 July 2019. As a member and stakeholder, Fanamby contributed to call actions to secure a future for nature in Africa.

The theme this year evolved around "Securing a Future for Nature, People and Future Generations". Delegates around the world shared their experiences and successes, creating a common agenda to position and protect the long-term conservation interests of the region while producing positive results for humans and nature.

The Government of South Africa hosted the event, in cooperation with the Regional Office of South Africa for Forests and Fisheries and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).