The World Lemur Day 2021 was celebrated in the Public Primary School of Antsahabe for the Protected area Anjozorobe Angavo.
Under the sponsorship of local authorities, the day was marked by the children's sharing session on their knowledge of lemurs, animations with distribution of goodies, as well as a projection of animated film on lemurs.
A small drawing contest on lemurs was organized for the occasion, in which the children showed the importance they gave to lemurs.
Under the theme "Ny varika: tsy fiompy, tsy fihinana fa andrin'ny ala" (Lemurs: don't domesticate, don't eat because they are the pillar of the forest), the event was organized with the aim of raising the awareness of the local population so that they can carry the message from a young age.
This action was financed by SOS Lemurs.